
Picking the knots of confusion surrounding Palestinian identity, history and geography.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Welcome to Palaestina

Welcome to the Palaestina - a weblog that explores the historical, geographical and political issues surrounding the Israel / Palestine conflict.

This site aims to inform, to give food for thought and provide information that is often brushed aside in the rush to justify political agendas.

We will stick to the facts and draw our opinions from them.

However, as history, politics, emotions and language barriers have a habit of distorting information, we will endeavour correct any errors that are pointed out to us.

It's an emotive issue - perhaps the most emotive issue in contemporary politics and anyone can get angry when confronted with material that jars with issues they care passionately about.

Making people angry is not the aim of this site. There's too much of that online already. It only clouds the issues.

We want to surprise, possibly shock and certainly learn, so in the interests of mutual understanding and accuracy we only ask that any readers upset by material on this site, transform their anger into sound questions and sound reasoning.

Every article will have a comments section. Let's study these issues and learn from each others perspectives.



At 7:47 pm, Blogger Tommy said...

Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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